Word Automation Deployment
It’s always tricky to get applications that you’ve written and built on your own PC to run on the target environment. One of the big reasons is that during development any problem that you...
At the Intersection of Technology and Theology
It’s always tricky to get applications that you’ve written and built on your own PC to run on the target environment. One of the big reasons is that during development any problem that you...
I’m a novice at personas. I mean, I’ve written some stories before– novels in High School– but I don’t know that I’ve ever been really good with biographies. Most of the time my biography...
In the book The Inmates Are Running the Asylum (aff), author Alan Cooper put the idea of personas into the mainstream. The basic concept is creating fictional people that are typical users. This is...
Just because Microsoft says that you shouldn’t do something rarely stops developers from trying. My task was to try to write a Windows Service replacement for a legacy application that saved a Word Document...